We all know video is an essential means of communicating with your customers. But more and more companies are now recognising the benefits of using video within the workplace, too. Here are a few reasons why internal communications videos can prove invaluable to your company.
1. Video is suitable for a wide variety of different communications
Internal communications videos cover a broad spectrum. Training, health and safety and recruitment can all be made more engaging and efficient through the use of video. It’s also an ideal medium for conveying policy updates, internal memos and messages from Head Office or senior staff. In addition, video can be used to celebrate company successes and spread the good news throughout every department.
With such a wide range of uses, it’s little wonder that 93 percent of internal communications professionals now describe video as an important communications tool, and over 54 percent of employees now expect video to be used internally within their organisation.
2. Video helps employees retain information
Video is an engaging medium which conveys messages more easily and memorably than written text. Research shows that employees are 75 percent more likely to watch a work-related video than to read written communications including emails, documents and web articles.
Not only that, they are also more likely to remember the information. On average, viewers retain 95 percent of information they receive via video, compared to just 10 percent from written text.
This is obviously a great advantage when it comes to sharing information such as the company mission and values, as well as procedures like health and safety.
3. Video makes training easier
Many businesses struggle when it comes to training. Their best trainers are not always available, so they cannot guarantee that all staff have had the same level of training or even received the same information in their training sessions, as they have been trained by different people.
Using video for staff training takes care of this problem. All staff can watch the same video, so they can receive the exact same training, even if they are based on different sites. The company’s best trainer can provide the training in the video to guarantee excellent and consistent results.
Video can also be watched on demand, so it cuts out the hassle of trying to find a good time for all involved. New staff no longer have to wait for their training, and those who need a refresher can watch the video again anytime they like. This is obviously much more practical and cost-effective than arranging subsequent training sessions for those who may have missed something first time around.
96 percent of businesses now report that video helps them train their staff faster and better.
4. Video can boost staff morale
An important part of keeping staff motivated and productive is making them feel as if they are a part of something important. Workers are much more inclined to participate and be loyal to the company when they feel the business is achieving something worthwhile and contributions are being recognised.
Video is an ideal medium for conveying good news to the whole workforce, enabling everyone to join in the celebrations and making everyone feel like part of the team, no matter where they’re based or what their job role is.
For example, Rockmans Creative Media recently produced an internal video for a global business which had won a huge client in Melbourne, Australia. They wanted to share their winning strategy to colleagues in other countries, so they devised a video containing of interviews with key staff and the sales strategy team, as well as the major client they had won. This enabled all staff members to receive the news and client winning information, and feel like part of something special, even if they were based on the other side of the world.
5. Video attracts top talent
Using video in the workplace demonstrates that your company is forward-looking and tech savvy, which are qualities that the best and brightest talents expect from a company they want to work for. This makes video a great medium for recruitment.
Job advertisements that contain video are viewed 12 times more than those without. They also receive 34 percent more applications, giving your company a much larger pool of talent to choose from.
6. Video works!
Video is ideal for a wide variety of communications in the workplace. This is why 87 percent of executives now view video as having a significant, positive impact on their organisations, and 44 percent believe that video will become the most common form of communication in their workplace over the next five years.
Are you part of it yet?
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