Story Telling Through Video

Josh Rockman Video Production 5 Comments

Do you have a story to tell?

Of course you do, we all do!
Our stories make us who we are. Triumphant stories, tragic stories, our achievements and relationships.
All too often these stories remain untold, and rarely are they told in front of a video camera.

When my father won another award for his photography talent I thought it would be a good idea to document his passion and success in video so future generations of our family could see who he was and what he achieved.

It wasn’t until I finished the project and watched it back as a son that I realised how much this video meant to me and how much it would mean to young members of our family as well as future generations.

Photos are good, letters are great but video is amazing!
To not only see our loved ones but to hear their voice is the key to forming an emotional connection.
Imagine your great, great grandson watching you tell your story or describe what it was like to live through today’s world. Video can deliver what photos, letters and hand me down stories can’t, the real you… your inflections, your character, your mannerisms and your personality.

Rockmans Creative Media have a passion for storytelling and we can help you tell and capture yours. Every story told today is a true gift for the generations of tomorrow.

Comments 5

  1. The video that you produced of your father is beautiful done, congratulations.

    What a wonderful way to keep a memory of loved one, and such a pleasure for

    them to see it and know it may possibly stay in the family for generations.

    I will discuss you making one of my parents with my brother.

  2. I like your video very much, a great tribute about your dad.

    Congratulations on a fantastic piece of photography.


  3. I am most impressed with the fine work you have done with this documentary.
    It is something my family has talked about doing for years.
    A colleague of mine recommend I look up your website, you did a business video for him last year.
    I’m pleased I have now seen it (3 times) and will be in touch Josh.

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