Businesses are increasingly using video in their staff training; but is it really any substitute for traditional in-person training methods? Here we take a look at why video is the future of training in the workplace.
How many businesses are using video in staff training?
Video is now seen widely in the workplace – 76 percent of workers now report using video solutions at work. Staff training is an area where video is becoming increasingly common, and it’s proving to be highly successful – a huge 96 percent of businesses now state that video enables staff to be trained more quickly and effectively.
So why is video the ideal medium for staff training?
Video is highly engaging
As video is such a versatile medium, it enables dry or difficult information to be presented in ways that are engaging and entertaining. This means employees are likely to be more receptive to a video than other training materials – 75 percent of them are more likely to watch a video than to read an email, online article or document. Because of this, video has a far better chance of making sure that the information is actually seen by as many employees as possible.
This trend is true at every level in the workforce and it’s worth noting that video is particularly popular with the tech-savvy millennial generation, who will make up 75 percent of the workforce by 2025. As this age group consumes over 12 hours a week of online video on YouTube and other social media platforms, it’s most definitely a format that they respond to.
The below training video sample is the step by step process for hotel room cleaning…to protect our client’s procedures we only show you a few steps but you will see how video training works so well and systematically.
Training Video Sample by Rockmans Creative Media from Rockmans Creative Media on Vimeo.
Video is more memorable
Efficiency is one of the most important elements of successful staff training – you need your employees to remember as much of the information presented to them as possible if your workplace is to continue running smoothly. This can be a problem when using traditional training methods, as recent research shows that on average, employees will forget 65 percent of the information given in a training session within just seven days. 90 percent will be forgotten within six months.
Video is a highly memorable medium – viewers retain 95 percent of the information they receive through video, compared to just 10 percent of what they read. Even better, this retention increases with time. Over a period of a few months, video training results in a huge 83 percent better retention of information than traditional training methods.
In addition, a video can be accessed and watched by staff members as many times and as often as they want, leading to a better trained, more competent workforce without incurring any of the cost of retraining.
Video ensures consistency
One of the main problems with traditional in-person staff training is that not all trainers are created equal. While some of your trainers may be at the top of their game, others may make any number of errors in their approach to training. Even the very best trainers can occasionally have bad days.
Training video production shoot
As not all staff are likely to be trained by the same person – especially if your business has a number of facilities in different locations – this can lead to a lack of consistency in the training your workers receive. Video negates this problem, as the same video can be accessed by all staff, meaning no new staff members have gaps in their knowledge and everyone at the same level can have received exactly the same information. This strengthens the workforce and saves the time and cost of staff mistakes caused by inadequate training.
Invest in your staff without breaking the bank
Staff training has many benefits for your business, including:
- Increased productivity
- Improved staff morale
- Reduced risk of accidents in the workplace
- Savings in time and money
- Higher staff retention.
However, the high cost of training is an off-putting factor for many businesses. Video can solve this problem – it’s a one-off cost rather than having to incur additional expense every time new staff members start. It also doesn’t require feeding or being put up in hotels, so it’s a friendly medium as far as your budget is concerned.
Training videos are increasingly becoming an essential resource for modern businesses. However, if you do intend to use videos for training in the workplace, it’s important that they should be professionally produced, as the quality of your training materials reflects on the professionalism and integrity of your business. This will enable you to recruit and retain the highest quality staff, as they will valued and appreciate the fact you have invested in them.
Find out more about our video services on our training video page or visit our home page for further information.
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