More and more businesses and organisations understand the need to use social media, and I think it’s clear to all who do it well, that it enhances the bottom line and builds long lasting relationships… it is well worth doing right
Logo Animations Melbourne | The Small Change That Makes a Huge Difference!
In this post RCM delves deeper into logo animations…We look at what they are. What are their benefits? And our great package to create and incorporate them in your next video production.
Promotional Video Production for Oxford Aviation Academy
Rockmans Creative Media’s project of the month for March showcases a promotional video production for Oxford Aviation Academy… and yes, they are of the prestigious Oxford University.
Presentation Video Created for Skills Victoria
This Video was Created for Skills Victoria as a Presentation video to be shown at conferences to enhance presentations and deliver real messages from real people.
Event Video Created for Swinburne University of Technology
An Event Video created for Swinburne University of Technology. This Event Video will be played on graduation evenings for years to come and will begin the event’s proceedings.
High-End Real Estate Video Tour
RCM love bringing out our big toys and the camera crane is our favourite. It creates views that are rarely seen as the height of the crane reaches 9 meters.
Conference Video Production for Skills Victoria
ockmans Creative Media showcases one of four video productions created for Skills Victoria. The videos will be shown within a conference PowerPoint presentation as well as on the Skills Victoria website. The aim for each video production was to promote the great need and successes of The Victorian Training Guarantee.
Promotional Video for Gordon Studio Glassblowers
Glassblowing is stunning and ancient art form that really needs to be seen to be appreciated and that’s exactly why Gordon Studio Glassblowers commissioned us to create a Promotional Video.
Promotional Video – Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
This month Rockmans Creative Media showcases a promotional video production created for the world renowned Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.
The Naomi Show – A Website Video Series
Working in broadcast television gives you wonderful contacts. Director Josh Rockman worked with Naomi Robson at Channel Seven promoting Today Tonight. When Naomi left Channel Seven and Today Tonight one of her passion projects was to create a Website Video series called “The Naomi Show”.
Promotional Video For Slumber Bub
They say never work with animals or babies!!
Well, when Slumber Bub approached RCM to create company Promotional Videos and Training Videos for their new on-line baby sleep program we were concerned about the myth as the videos involved age specific Instructional Videos for babies aged 6 to 12 months old.
A Promotional Video for the Coptic Orthodox Church
The Coptic Orthodox Church in Melbourne approached Rockmans Creative Media for an exciting new video production project in January 2010. The Coptic Orthodox Church does a large amount of mission work in Fiji and their next venture is to build an orphanage for 100 boys and girls in Nadi, Fiji.