Five tips for creating better educational video content

Josh Rockman Video Production, Video Production tips Leave a Comment

If you’re looking for a way to deliver the most effective training to all your staff, educational video production is the answer. But what makes a good educational training video? Here, we take a look at the benefits of using video for staff training and offer some top tips for making your educational videos as effective as possible.

Why you need educational training videos

Video offers a number of important benefits over other methods of training. Here are a few reasons you should use educational videos to train your staff.

1. Video is consistent

Different trainers have different methods and skillsets. This is why, if you’re using in-person training, you can’t be sure that all your staff have received the same experience and level of training. But with video, it’s the same every time. This means every person in your workforce will have exactly the same training, leaving far less room for mistakes.

2. Video is accessible everywhere

It’s often difficult or impossible to deliver in-person training to all your staff, especially if they work on different sites or from home. The beauty of educational videos is that they can be accessed from anywhere — all you need is a computer. Your workforce can all receive the same training, no matter where they’re based.

2 camera educational video production shoot

3. Video is available on demand

If you use video training, your staff can access the videos any time they choose. This means they can watch them when they’re most receptive and will take in the information more easily. It also enables them to refresh their training if there’s anything they’ve forgotten — all they have to do is watch the video again.

Tips for creating great educational videos

Once you’ve decided to go with educational video production, there are a few elements you need to consider if you want your videos to be as engaging and memorable as possible.

1. Create a sense of company loyalty

If your employees are receiving video training rather than in-person training, you need to foster a sense of togetherness and belonging to the company. You can achieve this by using your branding throughout the video, this includes company fonts, colours and of course company logo. Opening with your company logo is particularly effective especially if the logo is animated. This jumps out at the viewer, creating an instant connection with your brands pride.

Behind the scenes Educational training video production shoot with 2 cameras

2. Use a professional voiceover artist

You need your educational videos to be as memorable as possible, so the information needs to be delivered in a way that’s easy to understand. Hiring an experienced voiceover artist will make all the difference, as they’ll create clear, professional-sounding voiceovers. This makes the information easier to memorise. You wouldn’t be able to achieve this by simply getting one of your staff to read a script.

3. Use music and graphics

One of the benefits of educational video production is that you can deliver your training in a truly engaging way. Training information can often be quite dry and hard to follow, but adding music and graphics to your video instantly brings the information to life and creates an emotional response in the viewer. This way, they will be much more likely to remember the information in the video.

4. Hire real actors

Some companies think they can create educational videos more cheaply by using staff members instead of professional actors. However, this isn’t advisable. Your staff members are unlikely to know how to act, and the results will look amateurish. This suggests you don’t care enough about your staff training or your company’s reputation. Professional actors have been trained to be comfortable in front of the camera. They will achieve a much more polished result, which your trainees will appreciate.

Below is an example educational training video that uses Actors and a professional Voice Over Artist. After watching the video imagine how different it may be if your staff had played these roles.

5. Employ a professional educational video production company

Today’s technology might allow us all to film videos on our smartphones, but you can’t hope to achieve professional quality without the experience of a specialist training video production company. If you show poor-quality footage and audio to staff, it will give the impression that you don’t care enough, or the training is not important. This means higher costs for you in both time and money or worse, injuries.

Editor working on Avid Media Composer

Hiring a professional educational video production company in Melbourne, or wherever you may be, prevents this from happening. They will have experience and the latest equipment, and they’ll work with you to create an original, memorable concept that suits your brand and message. This is something your trainees won’t fail to notice — it looks as if you care enough to put real thought and effort into the training you provide.

If you’d like more information on educational video production or to discuss your training video needs, please contact us, the team here at Rockmans Creative Media will be happy to help.

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