Why Corporate Videos

Why corporate videos are important for your brand

Josh Rockman Video Production, Video Production tips Leave a Comment

If the pandemic years have taught us anything, it’s that businesses need to find new ways to connect with their target audiences. If you’re looking for an effective and engaging way to reach the people you need in large numbers, corporate video is the ideal method.

Here’s everything you need to know about what corporate video can do for your brand and image.

What are the different types of corporate video?

Corporate videos are videos produced on behalf of, and representing, your brand. They often showcase the products or services you sell and sometimes also feature your key personnel or even your customers. They can serve many purposes, from telling the story of your brand to getting consumers excited about upcoming events or product launches.

Some examples of corporate videos include:

  • Product demonstration videos
  • Promotional videos
  • Behind-the-scenes videos
  • Brand story videos
  • Testimonial videos
  • Case Study videos

Many brands are now also using video for internal purposes, including recruitment, training and communications.

The beauty of video is that it is only limited by the creativity and skills of your chosen video production team. You can have any kind of video you want produced for your brand.

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Why does your brand need corporate video?

1. Video increases brand engagement

Video is such an imaginative medium. It enables you to use footage, music, graphics, interviews, voiceovers and much more to create a compelling narrative. You can use all these things to your advantage in telling the story of your brand in a way that really connects with your target audience.

Even in today’s world, where we are bombarded with advertising, 87 per cent of people say that they would like to see more video content from brands.

2. Video boosts your online visibility

Using video on your website instantly makes your brand more visible online. Websites featuring video content are 53 times more likely to show up on the first page of search results and increase your organic traffic from web searches by as much as 157 per cent.

With more and more brands moving completely or predominantly online, the competition for consumers’ attention has never been greater. Corporate videos are one of the most important weapons you can have at your disposal.

3. Video enables you to reach new audiences

The power of social media is too great to ignore — it enables businesses to connect and instantly communicate with their target audiences in great numbers. This is largely because of social sharing. If a social media user likes your brand, they will be happy to share your content with their friends, increasing your reach.

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Video is a key component of getting your brand noticed and shared on social media. Posts with videos are shared up to 1200 per cent more than posts featuring text and still images combined.

4. Video helps people learn about your products and services

Many people find it easier to learn and remember information that has been presented to them in a visual format like video. It can help you explain to customers how your products or services work and what problems they solve in a way that viewers find easy to digest. In fact, when consumers are presented with a choice of reading written information about a product or watching a video about it, 72 per cent prefer video.

Even better, 79 per cent of consumers have been directly persuaded to buy a product by watching a video about it, so corporate videos can have a significant impact on your sales.

Below is a corporate overview video example

5. Video creates trust

Ethical practices and supportive company cultures are now more important than ever, both to consumers and prospective employees. You can use corporate video to increase trust in your brand and boost your credentials, helping you to build consumer loyalty and attract and retain top talent to your teams.

Behind-the-scenes videos are ideal for showcasing your working practices at their best, making them ideal for recruitment. And with 84 per cent of people now trusting online reviews as much as recommendations from friends and family, you can really use customer testimonial videos to your advantage. Video testimonials enable people to hear your customers’ tone of voice and see their body language, increasing trust.

Find out more about how to use corporate video

If you want to use corporate video to boost your brand and image, it is important that the videos you release are professionally produced and of the highest quality. At Rockmans Creative Media we guarantee our work and are happy to discuss all your video production needs at any time. Visit our home page or contact us to find out more.

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