Privacy Policy

The page’s contains privacy policy.
This policy governs how will both protect and use any and all information that you input to this site. will endeavour to make sure that your privacy is protected. If at any time we ask your for you to input any of your personal information that in any way identifies you while using this website, you can know for certain that it will only be used by the the governance of this privacy policy.
The current version of this policy is effective from September 1 2024.


At any time we may ask for your input of the following information.
Your Email Address, your Name, your address and your phone number. Plus we may ask for any information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers.
What we do with the information we gather
We would ask for this information for the following reasons:
To understand what you may need from us, to give you a better quality of service, we may also use it for internal record keeping.  We may use this data to improve our products, material and services. We may from time to time send communication to the information you gave us via email about any products, services and special offers that we would like to promote.  Occasionally we may get in touch with you to ask you for further information for market research purposes.
This information will never be given out to any third party services whatsoever.
The medium that we may contact you include mail, phone, Skype, instant message, Facebook, twitter, Google plus or email.
We may also use this information to dynamically change the website according to your interests.


In order to make sure that any personal identifying information you give us remain confidential, have in place procedures that cover managerial, digital and physical that’s sole purpose is to protect and secure said information.

How we use cookies

What is a cookie?
A cookie is simply tiny data file, which seek permission to be placed for temporary time on your PC’s hard drive. If you agree and the cookie is saved, the cookie helps analsyze web traffic or it my notify know when you visit a particular site.

Cookies allow sites such as ours that employ automated web applications to modify your experience on, and interact with you individually.  These  web applications are able to modify it’s results and the content on this site based on what it deems through programming are your preferences by capturing and recording information of your online behaviour.

At we employ traffic log cookies, solely to track which pages on our site are being used. This information assists us to make informed decisions about how to best improve this site to best serve our visitors and customers overall preferences.

It is important to note, that the cookie (or any cookie for that matter) gives us absolutely no access to your computer or any personal information about you. The only way we get any personal information from you is that which you choose to share with us – all of this information will be clerkly indicated.
It is up to you to choose whether you want to decline or accept cookies.  Please be aware that web browsers are generally set to automatically accept all cookies, but if you would rather not accept them, you can go into your browser settings and change the default to decline. Please be aware that this may stop you from enjoying all that this site has to offer.

LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES contains links through the site that help you visit external websites that you may want to visit.
Please know that once you visit these sites, we have no control over any aspect of these sites.
This means that we will in no way be responsible for the protection of your privacy, and your private information whilst on these sites.
These sites are not governed in any way by this privacy policy.
In order to protect your privacy it is advisable to look at their privacy statement


Let it be known that will not distribute, neither sell or even lease your personal information to third parties unless expressly given permission or are required by the law.

If you have given us permission when we collected your personal data, we may send you promotional information about third party products or services.
Please know that under the under the Data Protection Act 1998, we will end you all the details we have of you or about you.
If for any reason you would like a copy of the information we have about you, simply send an email to us at
or through the Contact Us Section Of This Website.

If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please email us as soon as possible, at the below address.

Rockmans Creative Media –

We will change any  incorrect information As soon as we can.


You may direct questions, comments or reports here.


This Privacy Policy is dynamic, this means that it will change all the time, especially as technology changes all the time.
For legal purposes, you may not assume that the Privacy Policy is the same as the last time you visited and this page.

Unless we the authors of chooses to posts any changes that we deem a sufficient enough change to notify you via email or post else where on this site you will not receive any communication of any changes made to this privacy policy, nor do we promise in any way at all to notify you in any way. By continuing to use this site, you show you acceptance of the terms of this privacy policy in what ever state it is at the time.